1. Introduction to Adobe Illustrator Essentials
This course is designed in a way that will allow even beginners to learn the basics of Adobe Illustrator. The Adobe Illustrator Essentials Training Course Udemy is broken into three parts.
- Welcome to the Adobe Illustrator Essentials Course
- Download the Course Project Files
- Getting Started with Illustrator

2. Drawing in Adobe Illustrator CC
Adobe Illustrator CC is the latest entry in Adobe’s stable of professional vector graphics programs. It’s a versatile program that can be used to create almost any type of image, from logo designs to posters and illustrations. If you want to do more than just create vector graphics, this course is for you!
With this training course, you’ll learn everything you need to know about using Adobe Illustrator CC in order to get started making professional-looking illustrations or logos. You’ll learn how to use the various tools at your disposal within the program, including curves, paths, objects and templates. You’ll also learn how to add colour and effects to your work before exporting it for print or online use
- Drawing with the Shape and Line Tools
- Draw Your Own Animal with Shapes Lines
- Improve Your Designs with the Shape Builder Tool
- Draw a Modern Fox with the Shape Builder
- Design a Modern Swan with the Shape Builder Tool
- Draw a Custom Logo (The Impossible Shape)
- Colour in the Impossible Triangle
- Draw with the Curvature Tool Ninjas, Crowns, Owls Oh My
- Redraw and Color the Owl
- Draw with the Pen Tool
- Dra an Owl with the Pen Tool
- Draw with the Pencil Tool Advanced Stroke Options
- Using Brushes in Illustrator
- Drawing with the Pencil Tool
- Using the Width Tool
- The LOVE Design
3. Type Fonts in Adobe Illustrator CC
Adobe Illustrator CC is a great tool for creating graphic designs. You can use it to create logos, posters, and anything else you can dream up. In this course, we’ll go over the basics of using Adobe Illustrator within your professional workflow. We’ll cover everything from drawing paths and shapes in the program to saving files and exporting your work to different formats.
- How to Use Type Fonts
- Curve Type Around a Badge with Paths
- Design a Badge Logo
- Break Apart Destroy Text
4. Color in Adobe Illustrator CC
Adobe Illustrator CC is a professional graphics program that lets you create images of any size and complexity. You can use it for commercial, personal, or educational purposes. But the real magic comes from choosing just the right color palette to give your illustrations their unique look.
In this lesson, I will show you how to make the most of your Adobe Illustrator CC free training course by mastering key creative elements like colour palettes and text styles.
- What is RGB CMYK
- Stealing Colors from an Image
- Color Theme Tool
- How to Make Gradients
5. Masking in Adobe Illustrator CC
Illustrator is a powerful tool that has been used by many illustrators over the years. But do you know how to use it? In this course, you will learn how to create vector artwork using the Adobe Illustrator CC software. You will also discover all of the features that make it easy for you to create professional-looking illustrations.
1. Masking an Image
2. Cut Holes in Shapes
6. CC Libraries
Adobe Illustrator CC is the software used to create professional images and illustrations, as well as a variety of other types of graphics and forms. This course will teach you everything you need to know to use and create the most advanced illustration programs available today.
1. CC Libraries
7. Effects Patterns in Adobe Illustrator CC
Illustrator is a great tool for mastering design concepts. It is a free, powerful program that allows you to quickly turn your creative ideas into beautiful, professional-looking illustrations. In this course, we’ll cover advanced layers and tools, creating vector graphics, typography, and more.
Illustrator has helped me design logos that have been seen by millions of people. It has also helped me create posters for my personal projects and business ventures AND it’s the reason I teach drawing classes!
1. Liquify Distort
2. Design Your Own Font
3. Bend Warp Shapes and Text
4. Drawing Repeating Shapes
5. Design a Lovely Repeating Shape Graphic
6. Repeating Patterns
7. Design Your Own Pattern
8. Vectorizing an Image
9. Create a Stencil Cutout of an Image
8. The Capture App
Adobe Illustrator CC has become the go-to program for graphic designers because of its ease of use, impressive design chops, and vast array of possibilities.
But the learning curve is steep. That’s why you need a course that specifically caters to your needs as a new user.
The Capture App is one such course. It provides an easy-to-learn but comprehensive training in Adobe Illustrator that will make it much easier for you to learn how to use this great tool in your workflow.
1. Adobe Capture App
9. Free Templates
Adobe Illustrator CC is a fantastic program for developing logos, illustrations and typefaces. It’s a powerful tool, but it can be intimidating to use at first. With Adobe Illustrator Essentials Training Course Udemy you can learn the basics of the program.
This course will teach you how to master the basics of this powerful software by teaching you how to solve common problems and troubleshoot. You will also learn Adobe InDesign CC and Photoshop CC functions like layers, smart objects and more.
1. Free Templates in Illustrator
10. Exporting from Adobe Illustrator CC
Illustrator is a professional design software suite with a lot of features. The program is pretty easy to use, but it can be intimidating at times. If you’re new to the program, you may want to explore some of the other courses on UDEMY that provide a deeper dive into the program.
1. Exporting for Print
2. Exporting for Web
11. Real World Exercises in Adobe Illustrator CC
This will be an incredible resource for you as well as your students. Students who join this class will receive a certificate of completion which they can use toward future Adobe Illustrator Essentials Training Course at no additional cost. If they don’t complete their training course within six months of enrollment (or a year after enrollment), they can purchase the same certificate again at no additional cost!
1. Redraw the Mastercard Logo
2. Redraw the Instagram Logo
3. Redraw the Kodak Logo
4. Redraw the eHarmony Logo
5. Redraw the Tinder Logo
6. Redraw the BP Logo
12. Next Steps
Once enrolled in courses, students may not cancel their enrollment or change their dates or options until 24 hours before their assigned deadline (1 hour before class starts). The course may be used multiple times per student until all certificates are claimed by the enrollment deadline (24 hours before class starts). The courses may not be used in conjunction with other online instruction or eLearning courses offered by Udemy or Udemy LLC (the owners/developers of Udemy) including but not limited to Adobe Creative Cloud classes and educational programs offered by Adobe Systems Incorporated (the parent company of Adobe Systems Incorporated).
- Cheat Sheet for Illustrator
- BONUS Software Updates
- Course Conclusion Thank You